Returning to who you were born as, at a soul level, before societal conditioning got in the way. 

Discovering your
Human Design is like a homecoming...

EMBODYING your design feels like you're finally swimming with the current, rather than against it.

Discovering your Human Design is like a homecoming...

feel a sense of deep validation and inner permission to be who you authentically are at a soul level

really SEE yourself & celebrate your gifts and individuality

flow energetically through the world as you’re meant to (and stop burning yourself out) 

create and share your message from a place of authenticity 

learn to make full-bodied yes decisions that respect your boundaries 

shine your light proudly for those you're meant to connect with and serve to find you
... and oh so much more!

UNDERSTANDING your Human Design allows you to...

UNDERSTANDING your Human Design allows you to...

 Human Design is a spiritual tool that looks at a variety of spiritual traditions and modalities, including the positioning of the planets when you were born to create a map of your body and how energy flows within it (aka your ‘BodyGraph’) 

HD is not like a personality test that tries to sort or categorize you into a tidy box - EVERY soul is unique, and HD reflects that 

Your HD is like a map of your soul that shows you how you best make decisions, how you'll learn best, how you will most effectively have your message heard, the greater themes you're going to face in life, and the greater role you're designed to embody in the collective.

Think of this as your map  to the trove of treasures deep within your soul: your gifts and how you're designed to share them with the world. 

Wait... What is Human Design?

how you're designed to move through the world (your energy type)

the way you're meant to make decisions (your authority)

how you'll best interact with others + the world to experience true FLOW (your strategy)

&& some other nuggets of wisdom (depending on how much prior knowledge you have on your design)

This guided journey into your human design will show you... 

Book Your Reading

She kept blowing my mind with how the various elements of my chart apply to my specific life circumstances and goals. 

I loved the ample opportunities for questions and Lauren's willingness to go more in-depth on the components that really resonated with me.

 I feel a deeper sense of self-trust for my unique way of doing things, and more clarity around how I can best tend to and express myself.”

Melissa, Manifesting-Generator

how melissa is EMBODYING her design...

"“My session was incredibly detailed, insightful, thought-provoking, and validating! 

“My session with Lauren was incredibly detailed, insightful, thought-provoking, and validating! 

She kept blowing my mind with how the various elements of my chart apply to my specific life circumstances and goals. 
I loved the ample opportunities for questions and Lauren's willingness to go more in-depth on the components that really resonated with me.

 I feel a deeper sense of self-trust for my unique way of doing things, and more clarity around how I can best tend to and express myself.”

Melissa, Manifesting-Generator

how melissa is EMBODYING her design...

From the moment we began, her warmth and empathy created an incredibly intimate and comforting space where I felt completely at ease exploring my own unique design.

Lauri's deep knowledge and passion for human design shone through every step of the session, leaving me feeling not only understood but also profoundly inspired to delve deeper into this fascinating framework.

What truly sets Lauri apart is her personal touch and meticulous preparedness. She took the time to understand my individual needs and questions, tailoring the session to ensure it was not just informative, but also deeply meaningful for me. By the end of our time together, I was left with a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of human design and a hunger to learn more.

If you're even remotely curious about human design, I can't recommend booking a session with Lauri enough. Her dedication to her craft and her clients is evident in every interaction, and the insights gained are truly invaluable.

Take the leap and discover the magic of human design with Lauri by your side."

Taryn, Generator

"Booking a human design session with Lauri was truly transformative.

"Booking a human design session with Lauri was truly transformative.

From the moment we began, her warmth and empathy created an incredibly intimate and comforting space where I felt completely at ease exploring my own unique design.

She took the time to understand my individual needs and questions, tailoring the session to ensure it was not just informative, but also deeply meaningful for me.

If you're even remotely curious about human design, I can't recommend booking a session with Lauri enough. Her dedication to her craft and her clients is evident in every interaction, and the insights gained are truly invaluable.

Take the leap and discover the magic of human design with Lauri by your side."

Taryn, Generator

For just $44.00 CAD 
*price increasing in May 2024. 

Get Started: Book Your Reading Now! 

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