Transformational Life Coaching

for the creative, highly sensitive + spiritual soul ready to
make your impact

Book A Free Clarity Call

you were never meant to "fit in" or shrink yourself to make others more comfortable...

... you were BORN to stand out in this world by shining your light so bright that you encourage others to do the same as you share your gifts and genuine self with the world.

Your creativity burns like a flame within you, ignited by the dreams you have of living your life on your terms... in your relationships, work, and creativity. 

But somewhere along the way, you began to believe you weren't enough... 

... You find yourself continually measuring your self-worth in units of productivity and how "hard you hustle," even though you don't wish to live your life that way. You're stuck in a burnout cycle you're ready to quit. 

... When you see another's successes, you can't help but feel envious and compare yourself because you doubt if these things are possible for you too.

... The same mindset barriers keep coming up repeatedly, no matter what self-improvement tips you follow. You're ready to dig deeper and operate at the soul level to receive clarity once and for all.

... You feel adrift from your true creative, ALIVE, resilient self and don't know how to find your way back. 

you are worthy of a creative, fulfilling life, embodied as your truest self.
allow me to guide you there...

For the soul asking "what am I meant to do with my life?" or wondering how to create more soul-alignment in your life.

Soul's Purpose 
Coaching Sessions

Discover your
Soul's Purpose

Deep insight into the way you will energetically THRIVE in this life, including how you're meant to make decisions, move through this life, and the role you're made to play in the collective

Human Design 

Discover your Human Design

For the entrepreneur finding yourself holding back in your content and messaging, or desiring clarity in how to market from a place of authenticity... 

Messaging Magic

Create Messaging Magic

client testimonials

"Lauren really hones in on the problem. I loved the way that she digs deep among all the chaos and finds clarity. I felt like my problems were directly addressed and that I was given specific things to do to cement everything. I thought that she did a fabulous job of steering my boat without taking over."


"Lauren really hones in on the problem. I loved the way that she digs deep among all the chaos and finds clarity. I felt like my problems were directly addressed and that I was given specific things to do to cement everything. I thought that she did a fabulous job of steering my boat without taking over."


"The progress I have made with Lauren has been leaps and bounds past where I ever thought I'd be, and I attribute that to Lauren's guidance. Her coaching style is never pushy or scripted; she guides me to my own conclusions with her thoughtful and judgment-free perspective."


"I was able to pretty much immediately put into practice some of the tools that Lauren shared with me....  I was able to be vulnerable and talk about hard emotions. Throughout the day... I did start to feel empowered, and ready to put into practice some of the things that we talked about, and still, over a week later, I've been reflecting on, and using those tools daily."


I'm Lauri

If you choose to work with me, you can rest assured that I am also being supervised as a coach, which is one of the best-practices of the International Coaching Federation. 

My purpose is to help you live your most passionate, creative, fulfilling, soul-aligned life. I utilize a transformational coaching approach, but also weave in elements of growth mindset, spirituality and a therapeutic atmosphere to my coaching.  

My Story

client testimonials

"I feel like the fog is clearer. I have clarity in how I can make changes and ways in how I can reframe my thinking. It is almost as if I have removed myself from the situation and am on the outside looking in and I feel the thoughts have been merely just that...thoughts. I am in control, I am capable, and I have got this!"


"I felt very discombobulated, erratic in my thoughts, and kind of just lost as to what to do next. (Now), I feel much less anxious and I feel like I have better tools to help me through all of the things I'm going through. I feel like I understand my productivity wound on a deeper level where I can now see a way out of this belief.


"I feel positive. I am clearer now that mindset is a muscle I need to work, and not expect things to change without putting in some work. That has felt really positive and motivating. But also I feel grateful that I was able to spend that time just talking about all of this. It felt very therapeutic. I felt heard and understood and that's a really comforting feeling."


"Lauren's open-mindedness is such an incredible gift. Never for one moment did I feel judged for where I am or what I've done in my business, and knew that no-matter-what I could count on her for support."


"I feel clear, excited, and empowered to create my first offering!

My favorite part of my session was the sweet reflections Lauri gave as well as her heartfelt suggestions for how I could move forward on my path."


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70 Resilience-Building Journal Prompts

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your journey back home to resilient, creative YOU
begins now

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