Hi readers! I’m so excited about this post because it’s the first of a series I intend to share on some of my favourite motivational quotes, specifically about mindfulness, passion and abundance. As a transformational mindset coach, I’m constantly studying and reading to improve my craft. As a result, I’ve collected many awesome quotes along the way that I’m delighted to share with you today!
I draw on several mindfulness books I’ve read over the past few years in this post. At the bottom of this blog post, you’ll find the complete list of recommended reading if you’d like to dive deeper!
“When it comes to happiness and joy, there is always a seat with your name on it… in the theatre of happiness, there is no limit”
Jay Shetty, Think Like a Monk
“No one can make you happy but you.” – Byron Katie, Loving What Is
“As long as we structure our lives in a way where our happiness is dependent upon something we cannot control, then we will experience pain.” – Tony Robbins, Awaken The Giant Within
“Happiness is a natural condition of being a person. The evidence is plainly visisble when you look at young children.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, Your Erroneous Zones
“Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do… nothing can stand in my way.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Excuses Begone
“The mere presence of passion within you – and the enthusiasm that comes with it- is all you need to fulfill your dreams.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, Excuses Begone
“Don’t dim your light to accommodate someone else’s smallness. We are all born to shine big and bright.”
Rebecca Campbell, Light Is The New Black
“To succeed in the Age of Light, everything in our lives must be an authentic expression of who we truly are. There is a global shift occurring where inauthenticity no longer stands a chance.” – Rebecca Campbell, Light Is The New Black
“The brightest candle casts the biggest shadow. Moving through the shadow can be hard, but it’s so worth it in the end.” – Rebecca Campbell, Light Is The New Black
“Your soul has many facets. Imagine a fingerprint; your soul is a million times more intricate than that. If you put together all the fingerprints of all the people you have been, you would not even get close to fathoming how much of a unique masterpiece you are. You’ve been working on you for lifetimes.” – Rebecca Campbell, Light Is The New Black
“Believing that who we are is defined by what other people think of us cripples the joyful spontaneity of our authentic selves.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Shift
“If a thought hurts, question it.”
Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
We have to be gardeners of our own lives, planting only the seeds of good intentions, watching to see what they become, and removing the weeds that spring up in the way.” – Jay Shetty, Think Like a Monk
“Our thoughts are like clouds passing by. The self, like the sun, is always here. We are not our minds” – Jay Shetty, Think Like a Monk
“Our relationship to the present moment defines our relationship to life itself.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, Excuses Begone
“Who is talking in your head? You make the assumption that it’s you. But if you are the one who is talking then who is listening?” – Don Miguel Ruiz + Don Jose Ruiz, The 5th Agreement
“The way to end our stress is to investigate the thinking that lies behind it.” – Byron Katie, Loving What Is
“You’re either believing your thoughts or questioning them. There’s no other choice.” – Byron Katie, Loving What Is
“We don’t have to allow the programming of our past to control our present and future.” – Tony Robbins, Awaken The Giant Within
“We can control the mind only to this extent: as a thought appears, we can simply notice it, without believing it.” – Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
“Life becomes simpler and kinder when we question our stressful thoughts.” – Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
“The world you see is a reflection of how you see it.” – Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
“Everytime you question your stressful thought, you become a clearer, kinder human being.” – Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
“In order to be divinely aligned with this universal infinite energy, you must become unconditional love.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Manifest Your Destiny
“You come from a source that has unlimited abundance.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, Excuses Begone
“The universe not only will, but must provide you with what you conceive of.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, Excuses Begone
“The universe is always expanding. You are part of the universe. Expansion is your natural state.” – Rebecca Campbell, Light Is The New Black
“Everything happens FOR me… not TO me.” – Byron Katie, Loving What Is
“True wealth is an emotion: it’s a sense of absolute abundance.” – Tony Robbins, Awaken The Giant Within
“There’s a law in this world: when you think life is so good that it can’t get any better… it has to.” – Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
“Everything is energy; it’s all vibration at a variety of frequencies. The faster the vibration, the closer one is to spirit and understanding where we came from.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Shift
“If your picture does not manifest in the time span that you have designated, relax and retreat to your knowing that it is already in the spiritual realm.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer, Manifest Your Destiny
“Every no I say is a yes to myself.”
Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
“When you’re honest about your yeses and noes it’s easy to live a kind life.” – Byron Katie, A Mind At Home With Itself
“One of the most LOVING acts you can do for yourself and for everyone else is to ask, ‘Right now, in this moment, whose business am I in?” – Byron Katie, I Need Your Love – Is That True?
Recommended Reading
Here are the incredible pieces that have been cited in this blog post. These are just a few of the many mindset books I love, but I highly recommend each of them!
Craving Motivation? Build Your Resilience + Cultivate Self Love Through Journaling…
Journaling allows you to… * Rewire limiting habitual ways of being * Give spotlight to your intuition’s voice * Provide a solstice of self-care * and develop a resilient mindset These prompts are here to guide you when you need to dig deep into your own resilience and self-love.