A resilient mindset is genuinely the greatest asset you can develop as a human, but even more so as a creative entrepreneur. Because let’s face it, the online business world and entrepreneurship journey (with its highs and lows) is like riding that too-scary roller coaster you swore you’d never go on.
It doesn’t have to feel this way, my friend! With a resilient mindset, you’re able to navigate these highs and lows with confidence and a greater sense of ease, knowing that the lows will pass and that the highs are worth every challenging moment of running your own soul-aligned business.
In this post, I’m breaking down 3 daily habits you can undertake to build your resilience.
Of the 6000+ thoughts you have each day, the majority reside in your subconscious, usually the same thoughts you had yesterday. Unless we actually take deliberate action to intercept these thoughts and consciously change them, we won’t start thinking differently. The thoughts you have today are based on the way you thought yesterday.
Journaling allows you to bring these unconscious beliefs and thoughts to your consciousness, so you can assess if they’re thoughts you genuinely want to be spending your precious brain waves on, or if perhaps you have a limiting belief that needs to be unpacked. Journaling through your thoughts is particularly helpful when you really need to rewire some of your existing habitual ways of being that are no longer serving you.
There is no right or wrong way to journal. You could journal freely, writing a stream of consciousness when you need to get your thoughts out on paper and out of your mind. Or, you could use a prompt to guide you through your journaling. You could bullet journal and keep your entries shorter! Or, like myself, you could use a combination of the above, based on what you need each day.
My favourite thing about meditation is, like journaling, there is no one way to do it. The biggest barrier to starting a regular meditation practice is usually this belief that it has to look a certain way to be worthwhile. You don’t have to sit on the ground in complete stillness and silence for hours on end to be a meditator.
Meditation is simply focusing on our breath and quieting our mind so we can get in closer communion with source (the universe, God, love; however you would like to think of this). It’s about those two things above all else: focusing on the breath + quieting the mind.
What this means is that meditation could look like going on a solo walk through the woods for one person or sitting in peace with a cup of coffee for another. In taking this time just to breathe deeply, you’ll be quieting your mind, connecting with your highest self, and allowing yourself to develop a greater sense of resilience.
When we are falling into a disempowering belief about ourselves (typically it comes in the form of, I am not _____ enough), it’s because that belief is comfortable to our brains. No, I know – it doesn’t feel comfortable to think this way about yourself! But it’s comfy for your brain +because your brain has been gathering evidence for this belief, likely for your entire life!
That’s why, in choosing to move away from a limiting belief pattern, we need to gather evidence for how true the opposite is, eventually outweighing that old disempowering thought!
So say you believe you’re “not strong enough” to run your own dream business and do the work your soul is calling you to do. Your brain has countless examples to prove this, whether they’re true or not, from your past. So now, it’s about proving (only to yourself) just how strong you are.
You can use your other tools to do this that have already been introduced in this post: journaling and meditation. Create a page in your journal to prove this belief, and begin to meditate and consider your own strength and resilience throughout your life. Write down any and all examples you can think of and continue to add to them over time!
The next time you think you’re not strong enough – you have the evidence to show yourself just how strong and resilient you are.
Journaling allows you to…
These prompts are here to guide you when you need to dig deep into your own resilience and self-love.
coach for creatives craving deep clarity, insight and confidence so you can make impact with your art + gifts.
located in prince edward county, serving clients worldwide..
photos of lauren by chloe tremblay & sherina shanelle |
branding by to:design studio
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i acknowledge and recognize that i live, work and create on the traditional territory of Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples
I am committed to providing a safe space for all creative souls of all gender identities+ expressions, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, disability status, citizenship
(and other core pieces of who YOU are).