I recently had my 28th Birthday, and while I know that’s not some wise old sage age, I’ve spent those 28 years deeply immersed in self-growth and development.
You see… I was diagnosed with anxiety 20 years ago – and I’ve spent these 20 years acquiring tools to truly live my life well beyond what anyone who knew 8-year-old-me would have ever anticipated.
But it wasn’t until I became an entrepreneur that I saw just how important it was to integrate mindset work into what we do as creative entrepreneurs. It’s literally WHY I became a mindset coach myself.
For now, let me tell you from the heart 28 of my greatest lessons up until now in my life. Hopefully, there’s something here that will speak to you too! {Have a life lesson here you can relate to? Tell me in the comments!}
28 Life + Mindset Lessons I’ve Learned
- Home isn’t necessarily a place. But it can most certainly be a person. Finding the most empathetic and supportive partner showed me that. COVID-19 really reinforced that.
- Authenticity cannot be created. Nope! It’s within you. It’s the byproduct of living your truth, of speaking from your heart, of honouring and celebrating who you are.
- Rest is a necessity and not a privilege to be earned. This one is huge. As someone who has suffered from clinical burnout, please heed this call – don’t see rest and time for yourself as a luxury – it’s NOT. That’s a narrative that needs to be unlearned, especially to be a business owner for the long haul! You’re the only one who can give yourself these gifts!
- The universe works fast when we are having fun. The universe doesn’t reward hustle – the universe rewards trust.
- Bring a book with you wherever you go – Always. Especially if you’re someone who doesn’t feel you have enough time to read – think of the doctor’s waiting room, or when you’re getting your hair cute, or any of the other times you usually spend aimlessly scrolling Instagram where you could pick up a good book instead!
- You have to love yourself thoroughly before you can genuinely love others. It’s true!
- Similarly, you have to fill your own cup before pouring it into others. This is why it’s essential to have regular self-care opportunities like morning routines to check in with yourself. You need to care for yourself before you can care for your clients!
- Be yourself. While there may be countless other people out there doing what you’re doing (as a copywriter, as a mindset coach, as a marketer – whatever), only you can do it the way you do it. If I had let an “oversaturated market” stop me, I wouldn’t be here writing this to you right now!
- Self-care is an act of love. Self-care is not vanity.
- Listen at least twice as often as you speak. This belief has made me a better copywriter, storyteller, business owner and mindset coach. But it’s made me a more spiritual, soulful person and one who can more fully support my loved ones.
- Story is the best way to convey a message. It helps us relate to one another and compels us much more than any other information exchange form.
- Prioritize fuelling your body. Do what you need to do to ensure you’re giving yourself lunch and dinner breaks and can cook nutritious and delicious meals for yourself. Whether that’s ordering groceries once a week or time-blocking dinner breaks on your schedule, make it a priority.
- There is ALWAYS time to read. And here’s my challenge to you if you disagree: try beginning by reading for the first and last 10 minutes of your day.
- Get ready! Even if you work from home, get ready and dressed in an outfit that feels good at least three days a week.
- Perfection does not exist. Perfect in itself is entirely subjective! Everyone has their own ideal of what ‘perfection’ is! So why do we spend so much time trying to chase perfection? When this finally clicked for me as a {now recovering} perfectionist, I was mindblown.
- SHOULD is just a pile of SH*T. I dislike the words ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’ because they put unnecessary pressure on others and are almost always based on someone else’s idea rather than your own. Instead, do what feels good for you!
- Drink enough water. Similarly to fuelling your body properly, this is a big one for me in my business. Drinking enough water is vital for our health and energy and is one of the simplest acts of self-care I could recommend!
- Whenever you catch yourself caught in fear, choose the alternative. And the alternative is love. You ALWAYS can choose love.
- Familiarize yourself with your ego. And start to recognize when you’re caught inside an ego story, rather than what is truly a message from your soul.
- Comparison is the thief of our joy. Or, as the amazing Jonathan van Ness would say, “Comparing ourselves to people on social media is as risky as using WebMD to diagnose yourself. You’ll end up way more stressed than before – just don’t even go there.”
- Play. Even as adults, play is encouraged! It allows us to tap into our creative side and listen to the greater wisdom available to us.
- Do things your own way. Especially if you’re an online creative entrepreneur reading this. There is a hell of a lot of online noise telling you that you “have” to do this or “should” to that to be successful. But the reality is, you can go your own way! Find your own way that feels good.
- Take the beautiful day off. You know the day – the glorious summer day when you want to take the day off, but still, for some reason, make yourself work through it? No way! You go out and embrace the beautiful day! The work will be there when you get home!
- Be yourself. Trying to be someone you’re not is tiring and far from fun. It’s way more delightful to embrace yourself and let it show!
- Develop a morning routine. And make it your own!
- You are enough. I don’t care who you are, where you’re from (Backstreet Boys much?) – you’re already enough as you are. Need some mantras to help you believe this? Try one of these.
- A smile can go a long way. See someone looking like they’re having a crappy day? Why not flash them a smile? Try it – it’s fun!
- Get creative daily. Even if it’s in how you cook your dinner, make room for creativity daily!
Do You Journal? It Helps Build Your Resilience + Cultivates Self-Love!
Journaling allows you to… * Rewire limiting habitual ways of being * Give spotlight to your intuition’s voice * Provide a solstice of self-care * and develop a resilient mindset These prompts are here to guide you when you need to dig deep into your own resilience and self-love.
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